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Family Law Attorneys in Contra Costa County
The Walnut Creek Law Office of Kaspar & Lugay offers a variety of family law services to help with any of your legal needs.
Whether you’re interested in obtaining information about filing for divorce or you need help with child support and
custody, you can stop by the Walnut Creek office to get the advice and assistance you need. We can handle any family law issues, whether you need answers to simple questions or help to deal with complex family law issues. Schedule your family law consultation with a Walnut Creek divorce lawyer today.
Family Law Services Offered in Walnut Creek & Contra Costa County
The Walnut Creek Office provides a variety of different legal services designed to help those who need help with any subsection of family law. Some of the services include the following.
- Divorce – If you’re thinking you want to get a divorce or your spouse has suggested a divorce, you need to know what to expect. The lawyers at the Walnut Creek law office can discuss your situation and give you personalized advice to help you move forward.
- Child Custody and Child Support – Determining child custody and support can be complicated and stressful. Let the attorneys answer any questions you might have and provide the help you need to get the custody or support of your children figured out.
- Property Division – Along with child support and custody decisions, property division can be extremely problematic during a divorce. Are you entitled to half of the home, even if your name isn’t on it? How are the savings accounts or other financial accounts going to be shared? The law firm can help answer all of these and any other questions you might have.
- Prenuptial Agreements – It is critical that you protect your assets entering into a marriage, and understanding any agreement that governs property entered into before or after the wedding, especially in the unfortunate event of a divorce. We can help you with drafting, understanding or enforcing pre- and post-nuptial agreements.
- Financial Protection – Are you worried about how much child support you need to pay? Are you concerned you may be required to pay alimony? Let a lawyer from the Walnut Creek office discuss what could happen if you get divorced and how your finances may be split during the divorce.
- Business and Family Law Issues – Business owners may be worried about their business if they divorce. Employees who have stock options as part of a start-up might worry about whether their spouse receives some of their stock in the divorce. The law firm has experience handling issues like these and can talk to you about what to expect.
- Post-Divorce Assistance – Unfortunately, just because the divorce is final doesn’t mean your issues end. If you’re having trouble collecting alimony or child support, or if your spouse is not adhering to the divorce decree, you might have options. A lawyer will be able to let you know if anything can be done about the issues you’re having and, if so, what needs to be done for you to get the help you need.
No matter what issue you’re having, if it’s a family law topic, the law firm of Kaspar & Lugay in Walnut Creek can help you get the answers to questions you might have and can help you with any legal procedures that need to be accomplished. You can call them for a consultation to learn more about how they can help you.
Divorce Services
At Kaspar & Lugay, LLP, we provide families with effective solutions and staunch legal advocacy throughout the divorce process.
- Divorce for Professionals . For those in positions that require professional certifications – attorneys, doctors, CPAs, etc. – there is often more at stake when it comes to divorce. Our skilled and financially savvy team (our founding partner is also a CPA, and our other partner has significant financial litigation experience) knows how to navigate the unique challenges of divorce for professionals.
- High Asset Divorce. If you are a high earner or have a significant amount of wealth and assets (many people in the greater Bay Area do), it’s possible you’ll need a forensic accountant as well as the expertise and diligence of experienced attorneys who regularly deal with high asset divorce. Let our experience work to your benefit.
- International Divorce. Whether you or your spouse moved for work, or for other reasons, international divorce can be quite complex and you’ll need somebody who is adept at understanding the nuance and scope of your unique situation.
- Legal Separation. Many wonder what the “real” difference between separation and divorce is (tax implications, rights and responsibilities, etc.). Simply moving out of the house is not being legally separated. Learn what you can expect during this process.
- Uncontested Divorce. Uncontested divorce means there is full alignment in terms of division of assets during a divorce. This is extremely rare where children and/or assets/property are involved. If this sounds like you, here’s some info that may help.
- Out of State (Interstate) Divorce. Much like international divorce, those who live in separate states may be subject to inconsistent rules, procedures and protocol in different jurisdictions. Move-away orders can be complex, and our team has had incredible success in finding winning solutions for parents and children.
Child Custody Services
A child’s best interests must remain at the forefront in any custody and support dispute. We tenaciously protect the rights of our clients and their children in child custody and visitation matters as well as child support proceedings .
- Child Support Modifications. California child support orders are based on numerous factors, including both parents’ financial situations and circumstances at the time of their divorce. At Kaspar & Lugay, LLP, we understand circumstances change and our expertise allows us to assist you in seeking a modification to your existing child support order.
- Custody & Care of Special Needs Children. At our family law firm, you will work with a lawyer who recognizes and understands all that you are going through as you seek a stable future for yourself and your special needs child.
- Interstate Child Custody Disputes. Child custody is very often the most highly emotionally charged aspect of a divorce or separation. While our firm cannot promise to remove the painful dilemmas associated with an interstate or international child custody dispute, we can offer clear direction.
Property and Asset Division
In a high net worth divorce in Contra Costa County, as well as in households of more modest means, our attorneys draw on our experience in high-stakes litigation and our finance and tax backgrounds to obtain the most favorable property division settlement or judgment possible.
- Startups: Early Employees, High Level Employees & RSUs. Startup founders going through divorce tend to face more complex issues during property division proceedings because their stake in the company could be worth a considerable amount of money or very little if the company fails.
- Startups: Employees & RSUs/Equity. For employees going through divorce, understanding the vesting and distribution schedule of their RSU grant becomes incredibly important because these schedules not only determine when the employee is awarded equity, but how much that equity is worth.
- Startups: Founders & RSUs. At Kaspar & Lugay LLP in Walnut Creek, California, we help startup founders and business owners alike handle the challenge of valuating and dividing community property, including RSUs, in divorce settlements.
- Personal and Inherited Property in Divorce . We enter each California divorce case we handle with determination to understand every nuance and find the best strategic approach. In matters of company, project, and franchising valuation, we turn to the most qualified industry experts, forensic accountants, and other professionals available to assess our clients’ positions.
Spousal Support/Alimony
We understand the many nuances of California law related to spousal support and alimony and we will diligently pursue a fair permanent award through the discovery process and trial when necessary.
- Walnut Creek Spousal Support Attorney . In many ways, the most important step in evaluating spousal support and child support matters is identifying the assets involved in the marriage. Our lawyers are accomplished in knowing how, and where, to look for hidden assets and hidden income in an asset search.
Walnut Creek Courthouse Location
The local courthouse is where you’ll need to go for any in-court hearings. The Walnut Creek courthouse is located at Walnut Creek Superior Court, 640 Ygnacio Valley Rd, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. It is open Monday through Friday, excluding court holidays, from 8 AM to 5 PM. The clerk’s windows are open from 8 AM to 4 PM daily.
Contra Costa County Family Law Court
Court Location | Business Office Location | Office Hours (excluding holidays) | Ex Parte Hours | *Telephone |
640 Ygnacio Valley Road Walnut Creek, CA 94596 | 640 Ygnacio Valley Road Walnut Creek, CA 94596 | 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday | N/A | (925) 608-1000 |